今個周末 (1月7日 & 1月8日)再次有我地嘅遊人故事平台攤位,期待大家的參與。過黎一齊認識鹽田梓歷史同玩遊戲啦!仲有禮物拎㗎!
This weekend (Jan 7 & 8), we will be holding our visitor storytelling platform booth in front of the Yim Tin Tsai reception centre. We look forward to seeing you. Come and learn more about Yim Tin Tsai history and play some minigames with us! We also have unique gifts prepared for you!
今个周末 (1月7日 & 1月8日)再次有我们的游人故事平台摊位,期待大家的参与。过来一起认识盐田梓历史和玩游戏啦!还有礼物等着你拿走!