五月的小島好多嘢玩呀!鹽田故仔團隊除咗舉辦故事團之後,亦會再次上島同大家玩遊戲,送故事。除咗經典元老級遊戲“九宮格”之外,團隊仲精心策劃咗一個“色彩繽紛”的新遊戲,大朋友小朋友走過路過唔好錯過,週末見 ❤️
The small island in May has a lot of fun things to offered! In addition to organizing story tours, the Yim Tin Tsai Project Team will also be back to the island again to play games and tell stories with everyone. Apart from the classic nine- square game, we have new games prepared and waiting for you to come! See you on the weekend!
五月的小岛很多东西玩啊!盐田故事团队除了举办故事团之后,亦会再次上岛跟大家玩游戏,送故事。除了经典元老级游戏参九宫格呗之外,团队还精心策划了一个魔芋色彩缤纷参的新游戏,大朋友小朋友走过路过不要错过,周末见 ❤️