幾代以來,我們的世界一直在發生變化。在過去的幾十年裡,城市和農村地區也發生了巨大而動態的變化。城市發展、快速城市化和技術進步導致了生活方式的轉變。上一代的生活體驗, 很多在現今社會難以重現, 過去的時光, 是應該讓它過去, 還是繼續傳承下去?下一代又如何看待這些從未見過的事物?對他們將來的生活又有什麼意義?過往鄉村獨特的生活模式,亦隨著村民逐漸遷出而湮沒。舊日時空鹽田梓,對今時今日的年輕一代帶來什麼意義?本次分享會將邀請參與本項目的講故「仔」講故「女」,村民及持份者等,分享他們對鄉郊故事跨代傳承的體驗感受。
資深社區攝影師,文化葫蘆創辦人,香港賽馬會「港文化.港創意」(2010-2020),「港文化‧港連結」(2020-現在) 及鹽田梓藝術節(2019-2021, 旅遊事務署主辦)策展人
日期: 2023年4月28日(五)
時間: 晚上7時至9時30分 (6時半開放接待)
地點: 香港中文大學利黃瑤璧樓LT4 (UG/F)
Topic: Values and Significance of Rural Stories Across Generations
Every person has their unique memories, and each countryside has its own story. Our Yim Tin Tsai storytelling team would like to invite all of you to join our project seminar on April 28, 2023, to share stories together and discuss the significance of rural stories that have been passed down through the generations. The details are as follows:
Our world has been transforming over the centuries. Both cities and rural areas have also undergone large and dynamic changes in the past decades. Urban development, rapid urbanisation and technological advancement have led to paradigm shifts in ways of living.
In this sense, the lifestyle and experiences between generations are more divergent than ever. Should the past experiences and stories be left easily to slide into obscurity?
How would younger generations perceive and understand the old days?
Would these past memories and stories affect the way we choose to live today?
To respond to these questions, our project team would like to invite Yim Tin Tsai villagers, interested individuals and stakeholders as well as students to exchange ideas about the values and significance of rural stories in present days, and share various perspectives on the significance of rural storytelling across generations.
Community Docent, Founder & Executive Director of Kaifong Tour, Curator of Community Engagement Program “清涌覺樂” & Community Revitalisation Program “The Fisher”. Awardee of The Spirit of Hong Kong Awards 2022 - The Spirit of Culture Award.
Veteran Community-based Photographer, Founder of Hulu Culture, Curator of Hong Kong Jockey Club Heritage x Arts x Design Walk Project (2010-2020), Heritage x Arts x Design Walk + Plus (2020-Present) and Yim Tin Tsai Arts Festival (2019-2021, Organized by Tourism Commission)
Date: 28 April 2023 (Fri)
Time: 7pm-9:30pm (reception starts from 6:30 pm)
Venue: Esther Lee Building (ELB) LT4(UG/F), the Chinese University of Hong Kong
几代以来,我们的世界一直在发生变化。在过去的几十年里,城市和农村地区也发生了巨大而动态的变化。城市发展、快速城市化和技术进步导致了生活方式的转变。上一代的生活体验, 很多在现今社会难以重现, 过去的时光, 是应该让它过去, 还是继续传承下去?下一代又如何看待这些从未见过的事物?对他们将来的生活又有什么意义?过往乡村独特的生活模式,亦随着村民逐渐迁出而湮没。旧日时空盐田梓,对今时今日的年轻一代带来什么意义?本次分享会将邀请参与本项目的讲故「仔」讲故「女」,村民及持份者等,分享他们对乡村故事跨代传承的体验感受。
谭健乐先生(Mr. Luke Tam)
吴文正先生(Mr. Simon GO)
资深社区摄影师,文化葫芦创办人,香港赛马会「港文化.港创意」(2010-2020),「港文化‧港连接」(2020-现在) 及盐田梓艺术节(2019-2021, 旅游事务署主办)策展人
日期: 2023年4月28日(五)
时间: 晚上7时至9时30分 (6时半开放接待)
地点: 香港中文大学利黄瑶璧楼LT4 (UG/F)